2dFGRS Summary Statistics

There are 382323 objects in the input source catalogue.

The total number of unique objects with spectra is 245591, of which...

  • 12311 are stars (z < 0.002),
  • 125 are QSOs (z > 0.5), and
  • 232155 are galaxies, of which...
    • 3720 have Q=1,
    • 8021 have Q=2,
    • 25082 have Q=3,
    • 140391 have Q=4,
    • 55941 have Q=5,
    so there are a total of 221414 unique galaxies with good-quality (Q>=3) spectra.

The total number of non-unique spectra (i.e. including repeats) is 269937, of which...

  • 13453 are stars (z < 0.002),
  • 145 are QSOs (z > 0.5), and
  • 256339 are galaxies, of which...
    • 6812 have Q=1,
    • 12188 have Q=2,
    • 28407 have Q=3,
    • 151238 have Q=4,
    • 57693 have Q=5,
    so there are a total of 237338 good-quality (Q>=3) galaxy spectra including repeats.

Matthew Colless, colless@aao.gov.au,