2dFGRS Database
Find By Name

1. Options: Choose whether to make a query or list the database tables and headings. If making a query, choose whether to return the results as an HTML table or via an email giving the URL of the results file. In the latter case, choose whether to return a compressed text (gzipped ASCII) file with the chosen parameters for the objects selected by the mSQL query, or a compressed archive (gzipped tarfile) of the FITS files for the objects selected by the query.

2. List of names: Give the URL for a file containing a list of names of 2dFGRS objects, one per line. The mSQL query will be applied only to the objects in this list.


3. Query: After SELECT, list the parameters you wish returned; after WHERE, give the set of conditions that the parameters must satisfy (see the SQL tutorial and the database introduction for examples). Then hit SUBMIT to submit the query.





  • Serial numbers: SGP 1-193550; NGP 193551-332694; RAN 332695-389713.
  • The HTML table option should only be used for relatively small numbers of objects.
  • Large queries should use the option of returning an email giving the URL of the results file.
  • Use of ORDER BY to sort queries can take a very long time; don't use it on large queries (better to sort off-line).

Bruce Peterson, peterson@mso.anu.edu.au, ,  access